Exaile: Shoutcast Plugin 0.4.8

Published: Oct 7, 2008

Some of you might have noticed that the Shoutcast plugin hasn't worked for a while, and wasn't fixed with the 0.2.14 update. This is because they changed the way that their site looks, and so the plugin wasn't able to parse it...


Apologies to OpenClue

Published: Sep 23, 2008

Yeah. I guess messing around with the syndication part of my blog system ended up causing openclue.org to repull all of my old blog posts all at once. Sorry...


Exaile 0.3 Roundup

Published: Sep 11, 2008

A nice fellow emailed and asked me if I could post a monthly (possibly weekly) roundup on Exaile 0.3 so that people can follow what's going on. It sounded like a good idea to me, so here's the first one.


iPhone 3G, no interference

Published: Jul 14, 2008

I downloaded the new iPhone software last Friday after my coworker informed me that there was a "Pandora Radio" application available on the AppStore. Internet radio on your phone? No brainer, had to have it...


Exaile 0.3

Published: Jun 7, 2008

Exaile is currently undergoing an almost complete rewrite. Why? Because the codebase could be better. Recently, thanks to Aren Olson, the 0.3 branch has been taking off. Already the code is a lot better, and will be a lot easier to add things to in the future.

As of this writing, you can create a collection, based on different libraries (directories). For each one of these directories, you can set a rescan interval, and/or have the library be watched by pyinotify for changes. You can create playlists, smart playlists, play these playlists in order or shuffle and/or on repeat. I am currently using it as my default player.

However: none of this can be done using a gui yet. This can all be done easily by using Exaile 0.3's pretty good looking internal API. Here is an example...


Exaile LastFM Proxy Plugin

Published: Apr 17, 2008

A few versions ago, Exaile had Last.FM streaming support using LastFMSource, a pygst plugin created by Philippe Normand of Elisa. It worked... sort of. Every other time you tried to connect to LastFM station, Gstreamer would lock up entirely, taking Exaile out with it. Not being able to fix this problem, it was eventually removed from Exaile entirely.

Enter: LastFM Proxy...


Ubuntu Hardy and Firefox 3

Published: Mar 25, 2008

Yesterday I decided to upgrade from Gutsy Gibbon to Hardy Heron (beta 1). I usually upgrade early, but my main motivation for this was to be able to implement the new multimedia keys interface working in Exaile. Apparently, the Gnome crew decided to change this particular part of the DBus interface making it backwards incompatable. A description of the Exaile bug can be found here...


Nagios is my hero

Published: Nov 30, 2007

Our company is growing fast. When I started in March, 2003, we were hosting our website with some company in Texas. I assumed the position of "Systems Administrator" (I knew Linux fairly well at the time, but I had no formal training in administration) when we moved from the hosting company to our first dedicated server colocated at Xmission. Since that time, we moved from a shared rack to our own cabinet, now housing 10 servers (one is currently powered off, because if we turn it on, we risk blowing our power circuit... yes, we are waiting on a power upgrade)...


FireGPG - Very Useful, Very Annoying

Published: Nov 28, 2007

FireGPG is a Firefox extension that allows you to encrypt/decrypt/sign any textbox on any page. More than that, it integrates with Gmail so you can easily send and receive encrypted email! I've been using it for this feature alone as soon as I found out about it's existence. Now there really is no reason to use an IMAP client in my opinion...


MySQL Replication Issues

Published: Nov 28, 2007

At SendOutCards, we use MySQL replication to ensure that if our main database server goes down because of hardware failure, we'll still have an server that is up to date with our data. In a nutshell, our main database server sends another server every update that is performed on itself...


Django template autoescaping

Published: Nov 15, 2007

Vimtips.org is running the SVN version of Django. This morning I ran an svn update, and I ran into my first API change. While looking at my site later on in the day, I noticed that both of my template filters were being HTML escaped, IE, things like < were showing up as &lt;...



Published: Nov 4, 2007

Yup, this article is about the iPhone, so if you're sick of hearing about them, I'd advise you to move right along.